Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Week 2 Review -Preparing and using Images

The use of images and background graphics on a web page can make a big difference on how the page stands out and shines.

Images can be placed on a web page using the image tag, or as a  CSS "background-image"

In order for a web page to "load" quickly the images need to be reduced to the 'size' they are used on the page.

If you are not working with an artist/graphics person, you'll need to make your own images, backgrounds, graphics, logos, and take your own photographs.

You can certainly use a program like Adobe's Photoshop, but, there are other FREE alternatives.

If you need a Photoshop like program you can use some free on-line (edit in a browser) programs.
I like Sumo Paint

You can use SumoPaint to make logos, gradients and other graphics.
On the class CD you'll find these graphics, they were made quickly in Sumopaint

If you are graphically challenged you can use on-line logo generator to make your logo
This is from It's a bit out there, but fun! (Click on the lmage below and you'll see what I mean by "out there!)

If you use Google's free Photo Organizer, Picasa, you'll find that Picasa has a direct link to another online Photoshop like program called Picnik It's designed to work with your photos...
You can use the combination to prep your images for your website

One of the graphic elements that you need to generate are thumbnails for your photos or, if you are making a "Shopping Cart" you'll need smaller images of your products. A stand alone program that can generate thumbnails may be all you need. This FREE (PC) program can also change the file formats of your graphics or photos.

PC Only (free)
Folkes Easy Thumbnails

For more information about making Thumbnails on the class web site read "Making Thumbnails (and Galleries) Doesn't have to Hurt"

Next: Building your home page --starting with the Banner.

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