Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Web Class is over. Where to from here?

Take the class again…

Date: 2/13/2013 - 3/13/2013  (Five weeks only)

In the Spring the class will be expanded to nine weeks… an additional 4 days!


Keep Looking for a Web Editor you like

Most software companies allow up to 30 day free trail periods for their software... Try them ALL out!

If you haven't tried Adobe's Muse… (a visual editor)  Learn More about it here

Any time you try out a new editor make sure the software knows where your Master Website folder is located… all of the programs will work better if you set up the master site first.


Subscribe to the latest News/blogs, Take On-Line Classes, Search the Web

The following web sites are my favorite sources of information. They offer free classes, tutorials, resources, newsletters, the latest web news... join up, book mark these web sites! Subscribe to the Newsletters…


Lurk on Forums

An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site about specific subjects or software. Members share information, and seek solutions to problems with the subject matter or specific software.
At some point you will be able to contribute to the forum by answering someones question!

You can find forums on just about any subject... just do a google search.

But, most of all, just build web pages, and… Best wishes for the New Year!

Practice, practice, practice

And should you have a question, 'holler anytime! I'm happy to help!

See you on the web!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Web Class Bonus


Making your website interactive

Of all the articles the most important item is how to improve the ranking of your web sight SEO (Search Engine Optimization)


I'll send you all at least one more e-mail, and if you send me a question, I'll be very happy to send you a reply.

In the mean time,

Practice, Practice, Practice!

Friday, December 07, 2012

Week 5: Finishing Layout, Contact Forms, and Widgets


Wednesday was indeed the last scheduled class. Starting in the spring this class will be in 2 parts for a total of 9 weeks

I will send you 2 more e-mails, the next one will give tips on SEO and more…
If you have any questions at any time I'll be happy to answer your questions and help you…

CLASS #5 tip: When designing your web pages and browsing...Always ask yourself these questions: Where am I? Where have I been? Where can I go?


Finish building your web page The Layout Tutorial  
In the week 5 folder it's "banner8.html, banner9.html and banner10.html, The above linked web page has links to all the pages. Tip! Read the source!  It's annotated with comments telling you what I did and why.

On the  banner10.html  page you'll see that the web page is centered. How it's done is in the source, you'll also find the answer at the following  links… Its all about position.

Using the Position Rules

This layout generator is easy to use, you can make web page wireframes quickly and easily

A CSS Layout Generator



At the bottom of the following linked page are the download links for the free CoffeeCup Form Builder Lite
The Contact Form Tutorial

More Help

Wizards that generate HTML5 and CSS3 markup that you can copy and paste into your web page Generator Resources 

From Adobe (You don't need to own any Adobe products, just signup for an Adobe account) is something called the
Widget Browser (You need to install Adobe Air on your computer to make the wizard work) You'll have access to over 60 interactive "elements" some is html/css some are java scripts… you can paste them right into your web pages


Free Slideshows/Gallery programs

My favorite "Gallery generator" is  called Highslide.  for a commercial web site the fee is $29.00
This page was generated using Highslide
This is the mobile device version

Inserting Video (Other than Adobe Widgets)

There is a lot of material here and it will save you time in the long run…

More real soon…


Sunday, December 02, 2012

Week4 Review, CSS, and Menus for Navigation

CLASS #4 tip: 

“Don't make it hard for your clients
to contact you" --anon

Week 4

Banners, links, and menus for navigation.

Objective:  To build a web site consisting of at least 3 web pages.

This week

  • Banner -Inserting backgrounds, images.
  • Links and Menus/navigation
    • Coming up next..
    • The Position Rules
      • Making Layouts
    • Contact Forms!

Resources for this week -- go to these URL's

The Banner Tutorial -images & backgrounds and html5

The following linked web pages show you how to construct a banner/header for your web pages. If you can build a banner/header you can assemble the rest of your web page!!
The Banner Tutorials

Make Your Own Menus

Making your own Navigation menus can be time consuming. There is a lot of help available on the web. 

All About Links The Menu Tutorials
In class we used Ian Lloyd's world famous List-o-matic menu generator to make our menus for navigation

The linked web page shows you how to insert a horizontal or a vertical menu bar.

Garry's Menu insertion example  (Look at the source FOR THE COMMENTS I ADDED!)

Using the Position Rules
Making layouts


  1. Generate a menu, and insert on your web page
  2. Finish the layout of your "home" (index.html) web page (Try the menus in the above menu insertion example for clues!
  3. Duplicate your index.html web page 3 times… and re-name them Contact.html, About.html, and Product.html