Take the class again…
Date: 2/13/2013 - 3/13/2013 (Five weeks only)
In the Spring the class will be expanded to nine weeks… an additional 4 days!
Keep Looking for a Web Editor you like
Most software companies allow up to 30 day free trail periods for their software... Try them ALL out!
If you haven't tried Adobe's Muse… (a visual editor) Learn More about it here
Any time you try out a new editor make sure the software knows where your Master Website folder is located… all of the programs will work better if you set up the master site first.
Subscribe to the latest News/blogs, Take On-Line Classes, Search the Web
The following web sites are my favorite sources of information. They offer free classes, tutorials, resources, newsletters, the latest web news... join up, book mark these web sites! Subscribe to the Newsletters…
Lurk on Forums
An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site about specific subjects or software. Members share information, and seek solutions to problems with the subject matter or specific software.
At some point you will be able to contribute to the forum by answering someones question!
You can find forums on just about any subject... just do a google search.
But, most of all, just build web pages, and… Best wishes for the New Year!
Practice, practice, practice
And should you have a question, 'holler anytime! I'm happy to help!
See you on the web!